20 SEPTEMBER 2022 (GMT+8)

We celebrate technology

World Tech Festival (WTF) is more than just an annual tech conference. We gather the people and organisations that are redefining technology. And oh yeah, have fun – it’s a must!

Here at WTF, we explore what’s next in the tech sector and what should be on your radar. Look forward to exciting case studies and discussions with progressive leaders and experts, interactive sessions, and strategies to build stronger and more profitable organisations.

In these dynamic and disruptive times, organisations are becoming more dependent on their ability to harness and leverage new technologies. As a result, many companies are investing more resources into recruiting the right talent and strategizing the right way to stay competitive. Now is the time to add new knowledge to your arsenal.

Get hyped and register for FREE for this new, one of a kind WTF tech festival experience! See you, virtually!

We celebrate technology

World Tech Festival (WTF) is more than just an annual tech conference. We gather the people and organisations that are redefining technology. And oh yeah, have fun – it’s a must!

Here at WTF, we explore what’s next in the tech sector and what should be on your radar. Look forward to exciting case studies and discussions with progressive leaders and experts, interactive sessions, and strategies to build stronger and more profitable organisations.

In these dynamic and disruptive times, organisations are becoming more dependent on their ability to harness and leverage new technologies. As a result, many companies are investing more resources into recruiting the right talent and strategizing the right way to stay competitive. Now is the time to add new knowledge to your arsenal.





Featured Speakers

Ross Stephen

Ross Stephen

Community & Education Lead, Luno

Wan Wei, Soh

Wan Wei, Soh

CEO & Founder, IKIGUIDE Metaverse Collective (IMC)

Novian Supriatno

Novian Supriatno

Head of Ultra Micro Business Division, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk

Haisheng Zhang

Haisheng Zhang

CTO | Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain, Zuellig Pharma

Charlene Liu

Charlene Liu

Co-Founder, Ladies Who Tech

What is 

World Tech Festival

/wəːld/ /tɛk/ /ˈfɛstɪv(ə)l/
Definition: A global organized celebration, gathering and learning of trending technology, typically one held annually in the same place and virtually.



The foundations of BIGIT was laid in 2012 in Malaysia and worldwide! Creating extraordinary conferences is our speciality and we strive to strengthen the company by providing a platform to make ideas happen along with our fundamental principle to constantly stay relevant in thinking two steps ahead into the future. Which then led us to acknowledge the rapid growth in the field of IT and technology. Hence BIGIT was created specifically catered to all events pertaining to IT and technology offerings and innovations to help ease the transition into the future.

BIGIT is the birth of passion and growth. It starts from our BIGGER than life Culture and transcends to our Company, Colleagues and Clients


What People Are Saying

“It was everything we expected plus more. Our exposure was great, our presentation was well-received, we managed to get some PR out of the event and we had a lot of visitors to the stand. Totally recommend BIGIT for future events.”


“I think BIGIT event is wonderful, amazing and we should have more of this event because it creates an awareness of How important Data and Analytics is to the industry”


“BIGIT is a great event for us to explore and learn more about the capabilities of BDA. The speakers have done a good job in delivering the key message on the importance of Big Data / Internet of Thing in the real business.”


“A great event, good to know that there is such an event in Singapore. I am attending as a delegate, but I am also looking at this as a platform for my company to consider joining in the next event as well as getting to network with the right people in the industry.”


“BIGIT should be the place where people come together and learn and get immersed in new Tech